10. Juni 2007Spike am 10.06.2007
Dieses Foto von Spike wurde am Nachmittag des 10. Juni 2007 aufgenommen.
Danke an Lis Eggenberger (die das Bild gemacht hat) und an Michael Gruber (der seine Kamera zur Verfügung gestellt hat).

Abschied von Spike

On losing a friend

My eyes fell on you – lying there,
a tiny, blind, dark yellow creature
suckling at your mother’s teats –
from that day on you never left my mind –
against all reason -
for I knew I didn’t have the time for yet another puppy -
Some weeks later,
I just had to pick you up.

You came out of the kennel -
wagging your little tail -
you were always wagging your tail -
together with some litter mates.
Charlie said: "That's yours." and pointed to your brother.
I said: "No, I want HIM and looked at you."

It was love at first sight.

I called you Spike.
Spike my tail-wagging, happy boy who took everything in his stride.

You were so clever - too clever - you taught me to think ahead.
You always knew -
Your eyes were always on me -
You lived to please.

Ten years is too short a time –
It's so unfair –
we could have had
so many more walks together,
so many more swims in the river,
so many more bags and persons to dig out of the snow,
so many more hours cuddling on the sofa,
so many more dummies –
so many more ducks, pheasants, and partridges.

But I owed it to you –
for you would have given your life for me –
I had to let you go.